Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Skills Development of Infants-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Effect of Parenting Style on Skills Development in Infants. Answer: Effect of Parenting Style on Skills Development to Infants Early childhood is a rapid stage of development in ones life. Despite the fact that each child develops at a varying pace, they all go through an identifiable sequence of physical, emotional and cognitive changes. Parenting style determines the architecture of the developing brain. Parenting style refers to the attitudes and behavior of the parents and these forms the general emotional climate developed within the family. The paper will focus on the various types of parenting styles and the likely effect on a child. Authoritative parenting expects a child to conform to values and obey them without questioning. Such parenting imposes too much structure with too little communication. Children under authoritarian parenting are likely to be rebellious, anxious though with lack of intellectual curiosity, always unhappy, develop low self-esteem and are hostile to others when frustrated (Hart, Newell, and Olsen, 2003, p.760). Authoritarian parent discourages independence and individuality to the kids. While with their parents, children feel insecure and there is a likelihood of breaking out through misbehaving when away from moms and dads (Barber et al., 2005, p.147). However, these children are in a better position to perform in academics because they learn to be assertive and self-regulating. Permissive parenting, on the other hand, raises the children without. Lack of boundaries makes it hard for children to manage their behavior. Leniency and the warm responsiveness of the parent negatively affects childs discipline. With regard to cognitive development, children will likely perform poorly in school as they lack responsibility and commitment in whatever they do. They fail to recognize the importance and consequences of their work (Kochanska, and Kim, 2013, p.325). Uninvolved parenting is the other style that heavily impacts the cognitive development of an infant. The parent neglects the demands of the infant; parental warm and responsiveness is non-existence. The child lacks self-esteem and general well-being, they, however, learn to take on responsibilities at a very early stage and are likely to perform better in academics (Aunola et al., 2015, p.1031). From research above, it is clear that parenting affects the skills development of an infant within three main domains; psychological support offered by the parent, social relations and responsiveness and involvement of the parent to the child. Psychological control is very crucial in behavior and emotion development to a child. (Gallagher, 2002, p.631). Good parenting helps a child develop a combination of positive traits both socially and emotionally. He/she should be in a position to develop a healthy relationship with the peer, confident and friendly, handle challenging tasks with persistence, listens to instructions, attentive as well as communicating effectively (Gilliom et al., 2002, p.222). However, all these skills are dependent on parenting style adopted by the parents since infants cognitive development is a function of parenting style adopted by the parents. Process of Doing the Research My answer to the above topic was arrived through research where I consulted different sources and studies done by scholars. Sources came from the university library as well as google books and peer-reviewed journals. The studies I reviewed looked at effects of parenting for both infants and young children. My major concern was on the character traits developed by infants raised under different parenting setting and what they turned out to be in their early childhood. I gathered relevant information and compared with tutorials given in class. However, not every source is to be trusted; I evaluated the credibility of the information by comparing results from various scholars and through bibliographies. My principle of validation was that no result should be so unique to locate anywhere else. To sum it up, I collected preliminary information about the topic, located relevant materials, evaluated the source materials, developed notes and finally prepared the paper. The approach I used in finding the answers to my topic was very effective as I was able to understand the research question with ease holistically, I believe that the answer is clear and holistic too. With this process, I not only found the topic interesting but was able to manage my research. Also, I was able to keep track of my work at all times. With regard to referencing, bibliographies were very important in validating the sources from which I did my research. This way, I was able to come up with Peer-reviewed journals and article and other scholarly materials that would aid in developing the research. For the google books, keywords were used to find relevant materials on the internet while reference system was used to identify resources from the library. Effective researching is a crucial part of my academic and professional life. This research helped me devise strategies that I will use to enhance my future research. Firstly, the dating of the sources is essential. As time goes by, better methods are coming into play, and this has an effect on the accuracy of very old sources. With the improvement in technology each day, studies can be done quickly, effectively without compromising the accuracy of the results. Secondly, a thesis statement helps articulate the research topic. Good research always starts with a clear and concise topic as they are easier to keep track and focused. Bibliography Aunola, K., Ruusunen, A.K., Viljaranta, J. and Nurmi, J.E., 2015. Parental affection and psychological control as mediators between parents depressive symptoms and child distress.Journal of Family Issues,36(8), pp.1022-1042. Barber, B.K., Stolz, H.E., Olsen, J.A., Collins, W.A. and Burchinal, M., 2005. Parental support, psychological control, and behavioral control: Assessing relevance across time, culture, and method.Monographs of the society for research in child development, pp.i-147. Gallagher, K.C., 2002. Does child temperament moderate the influence of parenting on adjustment?.Developmental Review,22(4), pp.623-643. Gilliom, M., Shaw, D.S., Beck, J.E., Schonberg, M.A. and Lukon, J.L., 2002. Anger regulation in disadvantaged preschool boys: Strategies, antecedents, and the development of self-control.Developmental psychology,38(2), p.222. Hart, C.H., Newell, L.D. and Olsen, S.F., 2003. Parenting skills and social-communicative competence in childhood.Handbook of communication and social interaction skills, pp.753-797. Kochanska, G. and Kim, S., 2013. Difficult temperament moderates links between maternal responsiveness and childrens compliance and behavior problems in low?income families.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,54(3), pp.323-332

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